Thursday, September 27, 2007

1,234 shits and 533 PB&J Sandwiches

So i was'a on Shauna's blog click-click-clicking away and I found this buried somewhere...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

So.. this guy does annual reports on.. well himself and his everyday life.. At first it seems a little self absorbed and selfish. Like a publication masturbation. But i suppose, who says that masturbation has to have a negative connotation? After all, look at how beautiful the typography is.

Not to mention, when you're sitting alone at your computer.. and you actually "lol" as opposed to just typing "lol" when you arent really "loling" you usually notice.. you know? Much like when you're sitting alone and you proclaim "AWESOME" in reaction to seeing something awesome.. you know it has to be cool. I said awesome pretty loud when i saw this website.. so check it out.

Feltron Site

1 comment:

scarydinosaur said...

yellow and black together are so great.
like bees.
except i don't like bees.
bees sting.