Thursday, January 17, 2008

I can hear the gay men cheering.

I don't blame them.

So my first reaction to this is one of absolute horror. Apparently they are making these "female condom" type insertions that women would use in case... of the instance.. of rape. They are insertions that have TEETH like rivets on the inside that work like fish hooks so when the penis is inserted in it, it gets hooked, hurts like hell, and he has to get it surgically removed.

Now alright. I'm not a social worker, or have ever been in a situation, or for that matter, have lived in an area where i walk around day and night worrying about rape. Fortunatly. However, I think this idea is completely crazy to just be readily available for any crazy chick to use.

Because yes, I'll admit it, chicks are CRAZY. And you really see the crazies come out in the growing masses of females of below average intelligence and maturity.. heh. there seems to be alot of those.. since it seems to be more and more socially acceptable. (that's a wholeee different blog right there.. so i'll wait off on that) But can you imagine, below average female, crazed by hormones and a broken heart.. say she just found out her boyfriend cheated on her.. now c'mon girls.. you know you've joked around about chopping off your ex guys dick before.. yeah. (sorry guys. It's a joke.) But what about the girls that actually DO think about that! or want to seek revenge on someone! Because not only is it more socially acceptable to be of below average intelligence, but of below average sanity! It's basically a statement for those who have noting better to say about themselves. So you have a crazed chick that wants to shred a guy's dick off. Well honey, here's your tool.


taken out of it's intended context.. this idea is absolutely horrifyingly insane. Insane enough for me to make up adjectives like horrifyingly. Oh wait.. i'm not getting that red underline. maybe it is actually a word. Anyway.

So now after that? What's the next most disgusting thing you could release to the mass public?

this movie.


I bet there will be masses of gay men carrying gay pride loot to go see the movie opening day laughing their asses off. Watch the trailer.. or dont. I think I'm even a little afraid of vaginas after watching the trailer.


scarydinosaur said...

omg is this real?

Paper Doll Illustrations said...


shauna said...

check out the new blog, ho.

an alternative to the other blog I dont post on...